A. Unfortunately, you cannot edit an equation in a system. You need to click the Start Over button and return to the initial system entry page. That's where you can re-enter both equations.
A. You need to turn your whole number into a fraction. Enter the number into the numerator of the fraction, and enter 1 into the denominator.
A. Yes. You can scroll across the graph window from side-to-side and up and down by first moving your cursor over the window until the arrow cursor changes to a hand. Then, you can click and hold while moving the window to reveal additional areas that were outside the original boundaries of the framed window.
A. Click and hold on the wedge-shaped slider on the slider bar and move it up and down. You will see additional coordinates appear in the table. Additional red and blue coordinates will appear moving along the length of the lines, including at the intersection point. In the table, the symbolic representations of each equation will change depending on which set of values is selected in the table.
A. Real time results appear immediately when you enter a value using one of the drop-down selectors, but not when you type in values.